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If you don't sacrifice your neighbors, the world ends. Life Eater is a horror fantasy kidnapping simulator where you must become intimately familiar with your targets' lives one intrusive action at a time... and hope that the dark god you serve is even real.
Life Eater is a horror fantasy kidnapping simulator. Play as a modern-day druid living in suburbia, holding down a dead-end job to pay for your true vocation: conducting the annual ritual that keeps the world from ending.
To delay the end of the world, you must sacrifice a number of specific - but vaguely-described - human beings every year. Use a video editing-inspired interface to discover the story of your victims' lives, one schedule block at a time. Pry into the most intimate details of your targets' schedules, and when the time is right: abduct them before the authorities can find your lair. Time is short and your list of names is long. Choose your options wisely... and pray that the dark god you serve is even real.
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