About This Software
Tabletop Creator is everything you need to start designing, prototyping and playtesting your game idea. Create your different game components, customize them and export your game for getting a physical copy or for playing it online!
- Flexible Panels: Build your templates with panels of any shape and type: Images, text, QR codes, rounded corners, icons, mirrored values...
- Blueprint Editor: Design your templates once and quickly build components with them. Update them anytime and see your changes instantly.
- Collection Manager: Mass edit all your game components, organize them in sets in a global centralized view.
- Print and Play...: Get a printable PDF with proper bleeding, cut marks, foldable PnP, in any color format or paper size you want with just a click.
- ... or Render and Play: Get your assets ready to import in a digital playtest environment like Tabletop Simulator or Tabletopia in seconds.