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“Hello Puppets: Midnight Show” is a stealth horror adventure set in the 1980s on the set of a children’s TV show. You are a master…
DownloadBEAUTIFUL DESOLATION is an isometric adventure game set in the distant future. Explore a post-apocalyptic landscape, solve puzzles,…
DownloadNeuraGun is a third-person science fiction puzzle game. The player will have to go through a maze of mysteries that will lead him…
Prove your ability to read names next to the big red buttons! Show your ability to fight for life in a science center that is falling…
What can be more spectacular than a girl armed with rockets and a sense of humor? Yes, she is about to start solving the problems…
Invercity is a puzzle-platformer that features "Handstand". Handstand looks like hanging when you look it upside down, doesn't…
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